SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Effective learning

How to Minimise the Negative Effects of Screen Time on Your Child

14 August 2023

Image courtesy Ryutaro Tsukata-Pexels As technology becomes increasingly ingrained in our daily lives, children spend more time in front of screens. While screens can offer...

The Importance of Teaching Cultural Diversity In Schools

12 August 2023

(Pexels - fauxels) Schools play a crucial role in developing students and educating them about many topics and skills. Although common subjects taught in schools...

Tech Integration: Why Students Should Have Smartphones in Class

08 August 2023

(Pexels - Gabriel Freytez) Smartphones have become something that we can’t live without in today’s digital age.  We use them to do almost everything: texting,...

The Upsides And Downsides Of Holidays

05 August 2023

(Pexels - Irina Iriser) Holidays are days we all look forward to every year. It serves as a break from our usual routines and provides...

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