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Must read articles for Choosing a school

How Does My Personality Type Influence My Choice in College Major?

15 November 2023

[NUS] Hey there! We understand that selecting the right college major is a crucial decision that can shape your academic path and future career. Let's...

Staying Ahead of the Curve: The Importance of Enrolling Your Child in Enrichment Programmes

16 October 2023

Image courtesy RDNE Stock project In today's competitive world, academic excellence alone is no longer enough to ensure a bright future for your child. Parents,...

The Importance of Education Career Guidance Counsellors

05 October 2023

(Pexels - Andrea Piacquadio) With so many choices for students like you, it can be tough for you to make the best decision for yourself....

Exploring Unconventional Paths: Unveiling Alternative DSA Categories

09 September 2023

Image courtesy Nasirun Khan The Direct School Admission (DSA) scheme in Singapore has long been recognized as a gateway for students to secure a place...

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