SmileTutor Blog Students Advice For Students

How to Increase Active Reading with Post-It Notes

20 October 2018

When your kids start going to school or attending English tuition, they will be asked to read quite a lot of things that sometimes look...

How Diploma Tutoring Makes You More Likely to Graduate?

11 September 2018

When you hear about diploma tutoring, you may find yourself asking if you should take one or not. Some students may think that tutoring is...

Beyond N-Levels: What are Your Options?

07 September 2018

Now that you have received your N-levels results, many pathways are now available for you. There are schemes that will offer you alternative paths for...

Top 10 Things You Must Ask Yourself Before Applying For Scholarships

18 August 2018

In Singapore, the A-Levels are very important because it would determine where you can enroll for college and if you can enroll in the course...

10 Personal Finance Lessons We Wish They Taught in School

17 August 2018

How confident are you on a scale of 1 to 10 when it comes to financial planning? Tough question, right? Well, you are not alone!...

JC vs. Poly: The Pros and Cons

08 January 2018

In the past, there was no debate about JC and poly: once you completed your O’ levels, you went straight to junior college; complete your...