Careless Mistakes that Your Child May Make in his Tamil Exams

13 December 2018

The PSLE Tamil Language paper is made up of 3 sections, Paper 1, Paper 2 and an Oral exam. The first 2 segments focus on...

How Can I Support My Child In His Social Studies?

10 December 2018

Social studies are among the required subjects your child will have to take in Secondary Three. Thus, in order for you to counsel your Secondary...

Social Studies: Why it is Important for Your Child?

03 December 2018

Social Science is a subdivision of the study that deals with Human Beings. It covers things like their relationships, growth and development, behavior, the resources...

4 Easy Ways to get Kids Interested in Social Studies

01 December 2018

Parents always want that their children to be well prepared for their future lives. This is not only for their upcoming exams or even result...

How to prepare my child for the AEIS exam?

27 November 2018

The Admission Exercise for International Students (AEIS) examination is required for all international students that would like to study in a local Singapore school. Singapore’s...

What Happens if Primary Schoolers Doesn’t Get Enough Sleep?

21 November 2018

Sleeping is a very important part of every person’s daily routine. After a busy day of doing a lot of activities, the body will need...