What Is Academic Entitlement?

21 June 2022

[Depositphotos] Singapore's education system is known to be one of the best in the world and students here work very hard for their good grades....

Are Grades No Longer The Determining Factor of Success in Singapore?

13 June 2022

[iStock] I am sure that many of us have experienced the stresses and pressure of needing to do well in school. Getting good grades matters...

Why Students Enjoy Their Mandarin Lessons at One World International School Makes

03 June 2022

Relocating as an expat family to Singapore is an exciting adventure for many, and it offers a wonderful opportunity to gain an appreciation of the...

How Does Racial Diversity Promote Education?

16 May 2022

Singapore is well-known as one of the most racially harmonious countries in the world where we have people of different races living together. Our everyday...

3 Simple Ways You Can Make This Hari Raya Fun and Educational

30 April 2022

Hari Raya Aidilfitri is just around the corner and here’s wishing our Muslim readers Eid Mubarak in advance! Festivities are always filled with so much...

Societal Impacts and Effects of Online Education

27 April 2022

What is ‘online education’? Also known as online learning where students can access education through online means. Everything is accessible to us through our electronic...