Must read articles for University

8 Best Private Universities in Singapore

18 June 2020

With the current Covid-19 pandemic, many students are now searching for schools locally instead of going abroad for their studies. A bleak view of the...

Should You Defer Your Education Loan During Covid-19 Pandemic?

28 May 2020

Singapore has recently reported that 19,900 jobs were removed from the market for the first quarter of the year, a number higher than the effects...

All Aspects of 6 Singapore Universities’ Admissions Process Have Gone Online

25 May 2020

Despite the economic recession and the scarcity of jobs in Singapore, studies show that young Singaporeans are still eager to get into college, especially now...

10 Life Skills that Singapore Teenagers can Learn during Circuit Breaker

09 May 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has put many countries at a standstill and confined everyone into their homes. In Singapore, the government has strengthened its social distancing...

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