SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Tuition in Singapore

How to Achieve Work Life Balance as a Dedicated Tutor?

18 October 2022

[iStock] What is work-life balance? It is the balanced division of your time and focus between working and family or leisure activities. Achieving a work-life...

The Future of Education: 5 Teaching Trends You Might Want to Keep Up With

06 October 2022

[Unsplash] In order to adapt to the constant changing and evolving nature of Singapore’s education system, tutors must keep up with teaching trends. This is...

Should You Spot Questions for Your Student?

24 September 2022

[Adobe Stock] What does it mean to ‘spot questions’? Also known as predicting questions, this is usually done during the exam period when students and...

5 Places To Volunteer To Get More Experience Working With SPED Children

20 September 2022

[Adobe Stock] Working with Special Education (SPED) students is demanding and requires a lot of experience. Your lessons need to be effective too, and you...

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