Must read articles for Study hacks

Level Up as a Tutor! How to Teach Effectively With Gamification

14 March 2024

Hey look! Your student’s not paying attention to your lessons again! Those faces don’t belong to someone who looks like they’re actually studying. Some of...

5 Benefits of Outdoor Learning

30 January 2024

(Pexels - Chris J Mitchell) In education, both classroom and outdoor learning are significantly important, as they both bring their own benefits. For classroom learning,...

Tutoring 101: How Can You Teach Productively as a Tutor

26 January 2024

As competitive as Singaporeans are, the term “tuition” is no longer distant from its relevance to local education. This is why being a tutor has...

5 Good Apps for Study Productivity

22 January 2024

[Pexels] You’ve set yourself a table, organized with revision notes, stationery and exam papers at an arm’s reach. Setting yourself in a comfortable sitting position,...

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