SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Student Well-Being

What to Do if Your Child is Getting Bad Influence From Peers

02 June 2021

Times were much easier when your child is still young and little. When they’re still young and dependent on you, you can control their social...

Ultimate Internship Guide for Poly Students

29 May 2021

  Most final year poly students are required to spend 1 semester interning at a company that has job scopes relating to the modules they...

Lack of 21st Century Skills – Why Your Child Struggles at School

28 May 2021

There will be struggles in life, and our schoolchildren are no exception. While they are at the stage of building their self-esteem and self-worth, facing...

How to Make Tutoring Classes a Stress-Free Experience

25 May 2021

Tutoring is a skill that can be learned and nurtured. However, despite your knowledge of the subject and your experience, tutoring can still be a...

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