SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Singapore tutor

Tips to Prevent Students From Cheating During a Test

20 June 2023

(Pexels - RODNAE Productions) When it comes to academics, a fair assessment is crucial for a student's learning. Academic dishonesty or cheating during an assignment,...

5 Reasons Why Teaching Assistants Are Important

06 June 2023

(Unsplash - Van Tay Media) Everyone knows who teachers are, but what about teaching assistants? They aren’t talked about nearly enough or as often as...

When the Passion Wanes: Signs That a Tutor May Be Burning Out

16 May 2023

(Pexels - cottonbro studio) As a tutor, it's not uncommon to experience periods of burnout.  Teaching in and of itself can be extremely stressful, especially...

Ways Tutors Help Students Succeed in College

14 April 2023

Tutoring is a great way to help students meet their academic goals. Tutors provide one-on-one instruction to help students overcome obstacles in their academics and...

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