Must read articles for JC

Top Tips for Writing an Argumentative Essay

11 October 2021

You would have been introduced to argumentative essays in Secondary School and whether or not you have been liking them so far, writing argumentative essays...

8 Things You Can Do to Improve Your Chinese Language

15 September 2021

Chinese Language is easily one of the most dreaded subjects Singaporean students always complain about. Many students these days would rather pour in hours studying...

The Ultimate Guide on Private Candidates and A-Level Exams

29 August 2021

For students taking A-level exams, a large majority, if not all of them, would always comment about it being extremely difficult. Fortunately, some of these...

JC Students: Should I take History in A-Levels?

17 August 2021

As a student thinking of enrolling in JC, you would definitely face the question of what should you take as your humanities subject. For those...

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