SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Home Tutoring

5 Tips for Creating a Stress-Free Homework Routine

09 November 2020

Homework can be a major source of stress for many students. Whether it’s to prepare for a big exam or catching up on a deadline...

How to Help your Child Learn at Home During this Pandemic

09 November 2020

COVID-19 pandemic has caused panic and anxiety all over the world as our normal environment suddenly changed. The changes this pandemic has brought has been all...

How to Work with Overly Ambitious Students

29 October 2020

Every student is different when it comes to their goals in life. Some students want to have a normal paced learning because they know they...

Tutors: How to Deal with Parents’ Stress During Exam Period

19 October 2020

As tutors, it can be pretty hard to work with parents who don’t want to listen to you or calm down while you are speaking...

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