SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Create Interest in Studies

Why is Good Grammar So Important?

02 May 2022

Grammar is the foundation of good English. It is the basic unit of all our sentences and such. It could be a headache for some...

Societal Impacts and Effects of Online Education

27 April 2022

What is ‘online education’? Also known as online learning where students can access education through online means. Everything is accessible to us through our electronic...

Are Schools in Singapore Limiting Students’ Creativity?

18 April 2022

When we talk about Singapore’s education system, many would associate it with stress and students having to mug all year long. In our typical classroom...

How to Look Forward to Studying in Your Room

16 April 2022

We all know that one of the hardest challenges you will face as a student is to gain and sustain the motivation to study at...

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