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Must read articles for Create Interest in Studies

Effective Tutoring Strategies To Help Prepare Your Students For Exams

18 July 2023

(Pexels - Armin Rimoldi) As the examination period is slowly approaching, it’s understandable that tutors like you, as well as your students, will start to...

Understanding vs Memorising

13 July 2023

(Pexels - SHVETS production) When it comes to learning in school, memorisation is a vital skill that we use to store and retain information when...

5 Easy Vocabulary Games & Activities for English Learners

10 July 2023

(Unsplash - Ryan Wallace) Learning English can be an exciting and rewarding journey, and building a strong vocabulary is a crucial part of mastering the...

Enhance Your Language Skills: English Crosswords for Chinese Students

30 June 2023

Introduction (Pexels - Brett Jordan) As a Chinese student learning English, you may likely encounter challenges when it comes to expanding your vocabulary and improving...

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