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Must read articles for Choosing a school

DSA Interviews: How to Set Your Child Up for Success

21 November 2022

[Twenty20] What are ‘DSA interviews’ in Primary School? They are interviews that your child goes through during the Direct School Admissions (DSA) for their secondary...

Holiday Camp in Singapore — Best Way to Keep Your Child Busy on Holidays

10 November 2022

[Image by Newtonshow Camp] With the holidays coming up, many parents will be looking out for ways to keep their children occupied. Fortunately, there are...

5 Tips to Guarantee Your Placement in EAE

10 November 2022

[Unsplash] What is the Poly Early Admissions Exercise (EAE)? It is an aptitude-based admissions exercise that allows students to apply for and receive admission offers...

Top 5 Universities In Asia

02 November 2022

Getting a university degree is a norm nowadays, especially in Singapore. Obtaining a university degree will pave way for awesome job opportunities. While employers may...

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