SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Choosing a school

Top 10 Martial Art Classes for Kids in Singapore

10 November 2020

Asia is known for being the home of martial arts because it is where Judo, Karate, Muay Thai and Taekwondo originated. It is not unusual...

Top 10 Music Classes for Kids in Singapore

04 November 2020

Music through singing or playing an instrument can actually be beneficial to one’s life, especially if you pursue it at a young age. Not only...

Top 10 Secondary Schools in Singapore 2020-21

21 October 2020

For many parents in Singapore, our child’s Primary School Leaving Examinations is a huge milestone. Their scores will determine the secondary school they go to....

Polytechnics in Singapore: Overview, Courses, Admissions

20 October 2020

Looking to enrol into 1 of the 5 polytechnics after completing your N/O Levels, Nitec or Higher Nitec Diploma? There’s a ton of information you...

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