Must read articles for Chinese

How to Increase Active Reading with Post-It Notes

20 October 2018

When your kids start going to school or attending English tuition, they will be asked to read quite a lot of things that sometimes look...

8 Weeks Program to Increase Independent Reading Habits in Primary School Kids

13 October 2018

When your kid comes home from primary school, learning should not stop there especially if you want them to keep thinking and process new information....

How To Get Your Child Interested In Chinese?

27 August 2018

For every parent or teacher, it is always a challenge to get a child or student to be inspired to learn something new. If you...

Level Up Your Child’s Language Skills: Learn Chinese with Video Games

23 August 2018

Video games and its benefits to education have long been debated by parents, educators and experts alike. Some groups believe that video games do not...

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