Must read articles for A level

6 Mistakes to Avoid in Writing Your A Level GP Essay

22 February 2021

General papers are a challenge to write for some students because they are uncertain how to write it efficiently. Some may write beyond what is...

A guide to choosing the right JC subject combinations

22 February 2021

Are you looking to enter Junior college soon? If so, one big question you must be asking yourself is: “What JC subject combinations should I...

7 Reasons To Learn Economics in JC

21 December 2020

Most JC students choose the ‘PCME’ subject combination without giving it much thought. The ‘E’ stands for Economics. In fact, Economics is one of the...

Covid-19 Arrangements for National Exam Takers including PSLE, N Levels, O Levels and A Levels

05 September 2020

With the COVID-19 pandemic still lingering across the country, the Singapore government announced new arrangements for this year’s national examinations. The dates for the PSLE...

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