8 Things You Can Do to Improve Your Chinese Language

15 September 2021

Chinese Language is easily one of the most dreaded subjects Singaporean students always complain about. Many students these days would rather pour in hours studying...

Useful Tips on Structuring an Essay

07 September 2021

Professional essay writing allows you to succeed in many other kinds of writing such as for a research or thesis paper. When it comes to...

How to Create a Conducive Environment to Study at Home

24 August 2021

When it comes to studying, the place where you study is important as the perfect study environment affects memory retention, focus, creativity, etc. Students can...

9 Awakening Tips to Help You Stay Awake During Lessons

16 July 2021

Do your eyelids often feel heavy during lesson time?  Well, if your answer is yes, then there’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s actually a...

Bad University Essays: 8 Mistakes You Must Avoid

27 May 2021

Writing is a great way to show your ability to express thoughts, and teachers often use it to check students’ progress. Writing essays is a...

How to Write a Research Paper

27 May 2021

If you are currently taking your diploma or degree, then I am sure you are familiar with writing a research paper. Usually, you will write...