Must read articles for University

8 Steps to Repaying Your University Student Loan as Soon as Possible

06 February 2021

Many university students often find themselves at a loss when it comes to how they will pay their university student loans once they graduate. Considering...

PSB Academy: A Great Option After Your N/O-Levels

11 January 2021

So, you’re done with your O/N-Level. What’s next? With so many options to choose from upon graduating, it can be overwhelming. While the majority will...

Pros and Cons of Large Childcare in Singapore

30 November 2020

Enrolling your child into the best childcare facility in Singapore is a challenging venture because there are a lot of options you can choose from....

Best 16 Study Spots with Free Wi-Fi in Singapore

19 September 2020

After school, it is very difficult for some students to find a perfect study spot where they can review and revise. While there are students...

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