SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Study Habits

Ultimate Checklist for Parents Before Choosing A Music Tutor for Their Kids

22 March 2021

Music has a lot of benefits to children and adults alike. It is particularly more beneficial if children are exposed to music as early as...

Jaw-Dropping Tips to Improve your Writing

12 March 2021

We all know writing essays can be very tough and draining as it requires quite a bit of creative juice and time to craft out...

How to Set Effective Goals: A Quick Guide for Students

11 March 2021

Academic success starts with setting goals. It helps students to plan and organize their work, maintaining an optimal level of motivation and productivity. The effectiveness...

Studying Abroad As An Online Student

03 March 2021

Studying abroad can be an amazing experience. If you don’t want to continue your studies in Singapore and you are looking at tertiary education options,...

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