SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Special Needs

Best Inspirational Books for Singapore Teenagers of 2020

18 May 2020

Were you born between 2001 and 2007? Welcome to teenhood! People have a lot to deal with when they reach their teenage years. You are...

How to Evaluate Your Students without Using Grades

28 April 2020

Grades are often seen by many as a way to see how much a student has progressed in their studies. If they have a high...

How to Increase Lesson Participation by Asking Better Questions

12 April 2020

Every student performs differently during tuition lessons, especially when you ask them difficult questions. Some will be able to respond easily and immediately, while others...

Ways to Increase My Child’s Reading Speed

07 November 2019

For young kids, one of the first subjects they will learn in school is reading. Reading is a good way for kids to learn new...

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