SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for School Admissions

Cost of Living in Singapore as an International Student [2022]

19 July 2021

Want to be in a financially fit state before moving to Singapore? This article offers a complete guide on the cost of living in Singapore...

5 Best Student Loans in Singapore from Banks and FIs [2022 Updated]

16 June 2021

Let’s face it, opting for higher education can be tough without a student loan. The massive burden of tuition fees, school supplies, hostel dues, and...

Ultimate Internship Guide for Poly Students

29 May 2021

  Most final year poly students are required to spend 1 semester interning at a company that has job scopes relating to the modules they...

7 Types of Poly Students in Singapore

11 April 2021

Polytechnic really exposes us to many types of students from different walks of life doesn’t it? Students in polytechnics enroll in a wide array of...

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