Must read articles for Polytechnic

Your Ultimate Guide to Acing Final Year Project

17 October 2022

[EasyUni] Final Year Project (FYP), also known as Major Project. As students, FYP is our last chance to raise our Grade Point Average (GPA), and...

How to Pick a Poly Course

13 October 2022

[iStock] In Singapore, more and more secondary school students are entering poly. In fact, statistics show that now, more than half (52 percent) of our...

What is Poly EAE and Should I Apply for it?

01 October 2022

[Ngee Ann Polytechnic] In Singapore, there is a heavy emphasis on grades, especially for grades for major exams like O levels. This is because grades...

Guide to Having a Successful Group Project

27 September 2022

[iStock] Why do we have group projects? In school, group projects are used to cultivate 21st century skills (e.g. time management, communication skills and learning...

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