SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Parental involvement

How to Prevent Youths from Spiralling into Mental Illnesses

01 January 2022

The conversation surrounding the mental wellness of our Singaporean youths has been rising.  According to Samaritans of Singapore (SOS), “Suicide is the leading cause of...

How is Gen Z Different and How Can You Relate to Them Better?

31 December 2021

Gen Z is the generation consisting of our current youths. They are born in the year range of about 1997 to 2012, which means that...

Should I Send My Child to a Preschool in Singapore?

27 December 2021

In this day and age, most parents don’t have the luxury to provide full-time care for their kids. As the number of dual-income families have...

My Teen Kid is Dating – What Should I as a Parent do?

11 December 2021

So, you’ve recently found out that your teenage child is seeing someone. You feel doubtful about the relationship. Will it affect their studies?  What if...

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