SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Parental involvement

Should Schools Look into Teaching Life Skills?

18 April 2022

Singapore is known to have one of the best education systems in the world. We have clinched top rankings for international tests and produced some...

How to Ensure that your Child is using Social Media Wisely?

11 April 2022

Children having social media accounts is now a common occurrence as they use it to stay connected and updated with their peers and the latest trends....

Effects of Strained Family Relationships on a Child’s Education

07 April 2022

Parental care and love are essential in developing a child's social and cognitive skills needed for their success at school.  It also offers a strong...

How Can We Nurture a More Racially Harmonious Generation?

02 April 2022

Racism has always been a prevalent problem in many countries, dating all the way back to early history. It is a surprise that despite education...

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