SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Parental involvement

How to Support Your Child Learning a Third Language?

10 September 2022

[iStock] What is ‘third language’? It is a language subject available to your child if they obtained a score of 24 or better in their...

5 Things To Do At Science Centre Singapore

06 September 2022

[Time Out] The September Holidays are here! This is the week for our children to revise and prepare for their End of Year (EOY) exams!...

Why Students Should Use Social Media as a Learning Platform

05 September 2022

Usage of social media in classrooms is at its historical peak. Students have successfully integrated social media into each aspect of their daily school life....

What to Look Out for During Your Child’s CCA Orientation Day

29 August 2022

[OpenSchoolbag] Co-curricular activities (CCA) are a part of students' lives. Not only do they help our children with pursuing hobbies or skills, they help create...

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