Must read articles for Literature

How is Literature Relevant to Our Future?

15 February 2024

[iStock] Romeo and Juliet, The Joy Luck Club, Lord of the Flies. These are some of the literature classics taught in school for the GCE...

Enhancing Learning with Story Maps: A Valuable Classroom Tool

08 November 2023

[Pexels] Story maps, a versatile educational resource, have the power to transform the learning experience in the classroom. These visual tools combine storytelling with mapping...

The Power of Words: Exploring the Benefits of Studying Literature 

03 August 2023

(Pexels - Caio) Are you at the stage in Secondary school where you are required to choose what humanities to take for upper Secondary? Or...

Pros and Cons Guide: Literature Edition

18 March 2023

[Pexels, Ravi Kant] For many people, the idea of taking English Literature as a subject is intimidating.  The way it’s marked isn’t as concrete as...

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