Must read articles for Exam prep

How the Removal of JC Mid-Year Examinations Affects You

22 March 2023

(Unsplash - MChe Lee) Have you guys been catching up on recent news? If not, here’s a news update regarding a new education system! The...

Weighted Assessment: Is the Stress Still On?

04 March 2023

[iStock] Because of a decision made by the Ministry of Education (MOE), there have been no Mid-Year Examinations (MYE) for the last three years.  This...

Beating the Clock: How to Complete Your Paper in Time

02 March 2023

[Pexels] One of the challenges students face during their exams is being unable to complete their papers on time. Especially for Maths and Science papers....

Why Do Students Find A-Maths Easier Than E-Maths?

21 February 2023

[iStock] Back in Secondary school, I remember the day I got my ‘O’ Level results and found out that most of my peers did better...

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