Must read articles for English

Ultimate PSLE English Composition Guide: Free Samples & Common Topics (Step-by-step)

12 June 2024

[Freepik: Freepik] Primary school English exams in Singapore are more than just a test of language proficiency. These tests challenge students to communicate effectively and...

From Fantasy to Reality: 15 Imaginative Creative Writing Prompts to Spark Student Expression

24 October 2023

(Pexels - Miguel Á. Padriñán) Do you find that your students are not able to come up with creative ideas? Or are they not able...

Word-a-Day Challenge: Building Your Vocabulary One Step at a Time

23 September 2023

(Pexels - Nothing Ahead) Have there been times when you struggled to express your thoughts in words? Or that you found yourself using the same...

The Power of Words: Exploring the Benefits of Studying Literature 

03 August 2023

(Pexels - Caio) Are you at the stage in Secondary school where you are required to choose what humanities to take for upper Secondary? Or...

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