SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Effective learning

How To Get Better At Math

29 December 2021

Many students put in a lot of time in mastering Math and still feel like they don't understand what they're learning. They don't always maximize...

A Complete Guide to Abacus Classes in Singapore

28 December 2021

Before the invention of the Arabic numeral system, a “counting frame” was used to make calculations. This frame is known as the Abacus, which is...

Should I Send My Child to a Preschool in Singapore?

27 December 2021

In this day and age, most parents don’t have the luxury to provide full-time care for their kids. As the number of dual-income families have...

The Success Of Singapore’s Education System

27 December 2021

A while back Singapore was an undeveloped country. Today, it is one of the most developed countries. The Singapore education system is considered one of...

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