SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Effective learning

How You Can Encourage Your Kids to Enjoy Learning Chinese

26 February 2022

Have you ever wondered how you can make learning Chinese fun for your children? As difficult as it sounds, children have a massive potential in...

How to Discipline Your Child Using Effective Communication

22 February 2022

With each generation comes a different culture, set of beliefs and way of thinking. Parents often find it very difficult to communicate with their children...

How a Play Based Approach Can Advance Your Child’s Gross Motor Skills

22 February 2022

Children are naturally active and they love to move. A child can hone his/her gross motor skills by participating in physical activities. When children participate...

Should Time Management be Taught in Schools?

21 February 2022

Academic excellence is heavily emphasised in Singapore, but are our students lacking in many other important skills?  The Ministry of Education (MOE) has been placing...

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