SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Effective learning

How Digital Learning Tools Can Effectively Enhance Education

07 July 2022

Digital learning refers to any type of learning that makes use of technology. Its application encompasses a wide spectrum of practices such as virtual and...

My Child Studies Hard But Doesn’t Get Good Results. What Should I Do?

04 July 2022

[iStock] As a Singaporean parent, it is almost mandatory to ensure that our children focus on their academics. So if our children are hardworking and...

How to Encourage Your Student to Become an Independent Learner

02 July 2022

[Librarians are go] As tutors, we strive to nurture our students to be independent learners so that they are able to stay ahead of the...

Is the Future of Teaching Virtual?

25 June 2022

[iStock] When you think about schools and education, what do you think of? The traditional brick-and-mortar classrooms full of students and teachers at the front?...

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