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Must read articles for Building Confidence

How to Apply the 80/20 Rule to Your Child’s Education

27 February 2023

[Forbes] In parenting, the 80/20 rule has shown much success in helping parents manage their time and workload. This, in turn, decreased parents’ stress levels...

Why Do Students Find A-Maths Easier Than E-Maths?

21 February 2023

[iStock] Back in Secondary school, I remember the day I got my ‘O’ Level results and found out that most of my peers did better...

5 Career Benefits of Learning Korean

06 February 2023

Korean dramas and Korean Pop have been popular for many years now not just for entertainment but also professionally in the business world. Learning Korean...

The Link Between Good Parental Bonds and Bullying

04 February 2023

[Pexels, RODNAE Productions] Bullying is a huge problem. It’s not just a problem that happens in schools; with the rising usage of social media, cyberbullying...

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