SmileTutor Blog Students Advice For Students

How to Cope when You Feel like You’re Lagging Behind

15 February 2022

We all have those times when we are not keeping up. Singapore’s education system is extremely fast-paced and once you are not focused during a...

Transferring from a JC to a Poly

07 February 2022

Like many, Sydney, now 21, had her eyes fixed on the Junior College (JC) route after her O-Levels, “because it was the more familiar and...

6 Ways Busy Students can Earn a Passive Income

25 January 2022

As a student, you may feel limited by the fixed amount of pocket money that you receive from your parents. It might just be enough...

How to Pick a Degree that Suits You Best

18 January 2022

Choosing what you’re going to study for your degree course is undoubtedly one of the most significant decisions you will make for your education. After...

How to Prepare Yourself for the Transition to Adulthood

11 January 2022

As we grow, our lives are constantly evolving, and the transition to adulthood is an especially big jump. Gaining independence can be scary but beautiful....

7 Things You Should Know Before You Enter Poly

04 January 2022

O-Levels ended months ago, you had your fun and received your posting to a polytechnic (poly). Poly life will officially start in about 3 months! ...