SmileTutor Blog Students Advice For Students

Why is Good Grammar So Important?

02 May 2022

Grammar is the foundation of good English. It is the basic unit of all our sentences and such. It could be a headache for some...

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Technical Essay

19 April 2022

[iStock] What is a technical essay? A technical essay is something like a short academic journal article used to describe technical information. You might be...

Choosing Your Subject Combination for Upper Secondary? Here’s What You Must Know

12 April 2022

In your first two years in secondary school, you explored many different subjects and learned many new things. And now, it is time for you...

Tutoring: A Comprehensive Guide to Meeting Your Academic Goals

11 April 2022

[123RF] Overwhelmed by deadlines? Struggling to keep up with your coursework? Feeling like you could use a little extra help? Tutoring may be your answer!...

Challenges You Might Face While Studying Abroad– And How to Cope With Them

04 April 2022

[Pexels] Feeling alone in a land far away from home is how many international students feel while studying abroad. While studying overseas, you are bound...

Pursuing Unconventional Passions in Singapore: Interview with a 19 Y.O. Full-Time Small Business Owner

31 March 2022

“I knew that taking the conventional route wouldn’t get me to where I want to be in five years’ time.” Ms Tang Hui Yi, 19,...