10 Questions to Ask in a Parent-Teacher Conference

17 February 2017

Have a problem of how to put questions during a conference between parent and teacher? The education at the school of children is one of...

How to Teach Your Child the Value of Patience

09 December 2016

Does your child throw tantrums while waiting in a long line at the grocery store? Let’s face it - a lot of parents face a...

Importance of Play in Early Childhood Education

02 December 2016

A lot of people would characterize ‘play’ as an activity that’s opposite to ‘work’. Still, more and more present-day educators are trying to enrich learning...

The Importance of Breakfast Before School for Children in Singapore

07 October 2016

What if parents could give their kids a magical pill in the morning to make them healthy, well-behaved and smart in school? For such a...

How to Create a Well-Balanced Life for Your Kid in Singapore

30 September 2016

Many children are put under immense pressure of studies as they advance through higher classes. An international research by Jacob’s foundation confirmed that as children...

Bullying: A Winning Approach To Address It

12 September 2016

Is bullying a concern? How bad can bullying in school actually get? It is one of the aspects in school environment that is often neglected...