5 Career Benefits of Learning Korean

06 February 2023

Korean dramas and Korean Pop have been popular for many years now not just for entertainment but also professionally in the business world. Learning Korean...

What Causes Mind Blanks During Exams?

02 February 2023

[Adobe Stock] Many of us are familiar with the Primary School Leaving Exam (PSLE), O levels, A levels, or even the end of years (EOYs)....

Giving Children an Allowance Could Teach Them Financial Literacy

21 January 2023

image courtesy ofjoey333 –getty images There's no shortage of conflicting advice when teaching your children about money. The best way to teach children about money...

Career Coaching in Singapore

07 January 2023

In Singapore, with thousands of students graduating from the universities each year, there is equally heightened competition in different career fields. Career Coaching is one...

What Are Burnouts And How Do They Affect Students?

06 December 2022

[iStock] Nearing the End of Year (EOY) exams, students strive to do their best and complete their revision. However, with the added stresses, students become...

Debunking 5 Misconceptions About SOTA

24 November 2022

[Canninghill Piers] What is the School of the Arts (SOTA)? It is Singapore’s first national pre-tertiary specialised school for arts. It offers development pathways for...