This section contains articles on personal development, self-improvement and motivation as well as how one can make the most of schooling and having a world-class education in Singapore. Articles give advice on how to tackle the school curriculum, how to handle the heavy homework workload as well as provide sample essays for students looking to improve their language.
Ignite Your Learning Journey – Getting Started With Tuition
23 August 2023
In this day and age where the average attention span of a person has reduced drastically, youths of today may now find syllabus involving sciences...
The Benefits of Private Tuition in Singapore: Is It Worth It?
23 August 2023
Singapore has long been hailed as a global leader in academic achievement. It has an excellent educational system that provides students with a robust learning...
The Importance of Teaching Cultural Diversity In Schools
12 August 2023
(Pexels - fauxels) Schools play a crucial role in developing students and educating them about many topics and skills. Although common subjects taught in schools...
The Upsides And Downsides Of Holidays
05 August 2023
(Pexels - Irina Iriser) Holidays are days we all look forward to every year. It serves as a break from our usual routines and provides...
From Fear to Confidence: Effective Techniques to Boost Your Public Speaking Skills
29 July 2023
(Unsplash - Kane Reinholdtsen) Everyone has their own fears and phobias, and for many people, public speaking is one of them. The act of having...
5 Activities That Can Help Boost Your Creativity
22 July 2023
(Pixels - Pixabay) Creativity is an essential trait that can help us in so many areas of our lives. While some people are naturally more...
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