Must read articles for Study hacks

How to Apply the 80/20 Rule to Your Child’s Education

27 February 2023

[Forbes] In parenting, the 80/20 rule has shown much success in helping parents manage their time and workload. This, in turn, decreased parents’ stress levels...

Free Apps to Help Students Concentrate and Focus

25 February 2023

Technology is a double-edged sword. Too much screen time on our phones or laptops has harmful effects but at the same time, it makes our...

The Best Quiet Cafes in Singapore to Study or Work At

19 January 2023

Traditionally, cafes, coffee shops, and other eateries have served as hotspots for social interactions and good food and drinks. However, in the post-pandemic age, these...

7 Compo Topics to Give Your Students for Homework

07 November 2022

[Depositphotos] English paper one’s compositions (or essays) can be quite difficult for students to practice for. Not only is it difficult for them to self-mark...

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