SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Student Well-Being

Best Tips to Help Children Increase their Focus

06 January 2022

People often find themselves struggling with staying focused. It is the same for both grown-ups and youngsters. However, it is fair to say that older...

7 Things You Should Know Before You Enter Poly

04 January 2022

O-Levels ended months ago, you had your fun and received your posting to a polytechnic (poly). Poly life will officially start in about 3 months! ...

How Should You Change Your Parenting Approach as Your Child Transitions into their Teenage Years?

03 January 2022

Transitioning into their teenage years is both scary for the teen and stressful for their parents.  Parents have to cope with their teenager’s mood swings,...

How to Prevent Youths from Spiralling into Mental Illnesses

01 January 2022

The conversation surrounding the mental wellness of our Singaporean youths has been rising.  According to Samaritans of Singapore (SOS), “Suicide is the leading cause of...

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