SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Student Well-Being

Types of Group Mates and How to Work With Them

25 July 2022

[StockFreeImages] What is ‘group project’? A project that requires a team to work together to complete and carries the highest weightage in your module or...

6 Entertaining Shows That Are Actually Educational

21 July 2022

[iStock] As students, our parents often told us that television shows are bad for us and that it 'rots our brains'. But recently, studies have...

How is Gen Z Changing the World?

07 July 2022

[Dao Insights] What comes to mind when you hear 'Generation Z' (Gen Z)? The strawberry generation? Our current youths and young adults? Unknown urban slang...

My Child Studies Hard But Doesn’t Get Good Results. What Should I Do?

04 July 2022

[iStock] As a Singaporean parent, it is almost mandatory to ensure that our children focus on their academics. So if our children are hardworking and...

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