Must read articles for School

Comparing the Roles of Teachers and Parents in Disciplining a Child

17 February 2022

We all know that raising a child is no easy feat as there are many aspects that are crucial in their development — their academics,...

How Parental Involvement Can Help Your Child Succeed in Life

24 January 2022

Every parent wants their children to succeed. They want their children to do well at school, university, and then in life as well. Most of...

An Edu-preneur Who Believes in Multi-Sensory Learning

22 January 2022

Many parents, teachers, tutors, and students believe that “mugging” (slang: pushing oneself to study for long hours) or drilling on assessment books is the way...

How to Pick a Degree that Suits You Best

18 January 2022

Choosing what you’re going to study for your degree course is undoubtedly one of the most significant decisions you will make for your education. After...

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