SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Parental involvement

3 Simple Ways You Can Make This Hari Raya Fun and Educational

30 April 2022

Hari Raya Aidilfitri is just around the corner and here’s wishing our Muslim readers Eid Mubarak in advance! Festivities are always filled with so much...

How Should Parents/Teachers Deal with the Mental Health of Children?

26 April 2022

The mental health of our youths is declining as our society is growing increasingly competitive.  As paper qualifications are becoming so important for youths to...

8 Reasons Why You Should Enrol Your Child in Piano Lessons

23 April 2022

Are you looking for a great children’s activity that’s transformative, educational, worthwhile, and fun at the same time? Piano lessons fulfil all these requirements! With...

How to Give your Child a Healthy Workspace

19 April 2022

Students have to spend a lot of their time at their study desks doing their homework, studying and attending lessons. If their study desks are...

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