Must read articles for JC

4 Reasons Why You Should Study A Level Economics

24 May 2023

(Unsplash - m.) Unsure of which subjects to study for your A-levels? Don’t worry, you aren’t alone! Many students today, like you, are torn between...

How the Removal of JC Mid-Year Examinations Affects You

22 March 2023

(Unsplash - MChe Lee) Have you guys been catching up on recent news? If not, here’s a news update regarding a new education system! The...

7 Ways Parents Can Support Their Child If They Repeat Junior College

15 December 2022

Junior college can be an intense experience. For some students, the academic demands of junior-level courses are more than they're prepared for. Some struggle with...

DSA Interviews: How to Set Your Child Up for Success

21 November 2022

[Twenty20] What are ‘DSA interviews’ in Primary School? They are interviews that your child goes through during the Direct School Admissions (DSA) for their secondary...

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