Must read articles for JC

Scholarships in Singapore: A Step-by-Step Guide (Survey Results Inside)

04 February 2020

Scholarships in Singapore: A Step-by-Step Guide (Survey Results Inside) Studying in a prestigious university is a dream of many. But few get to make it...

How Your Friends are Influencing Your Grades (Without You Realizing)

23 August 2019

There is a famous Chinese phase 在家靠父母 在外靠朋友 which means when we are at home, we depend on our parents but when we are away...

Thinking What to Do After A Levels? Here’s Your Answer

26 March 2019

The truth is, most people don’t have their lives figured out. They go with the flow, guided with a rough idea in their heads about...

I Failed My A Levels – What Next?

26 January 2019

[caption id="attachment_7351" align="alignnone" width="1280"] Image credit: Jeff Djevdet[/caption] If you’re reading this, you’re either at the stage where you have already failed A levels or...

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