SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Home Tutoring

Tutoring: A Comprehensive Guide to Meeting Your Academic Goals

11 April 2022

[123RF] Overwhelmed by deadlines? Struggling to keep up with your coursework? Feeling like you could use a little extra help? Tutoring may be your answer!...

A Tutor’s Guide: Different Teaching Methods to Make The Most of Your Tuition Lessons

09 April 2022

Whether you’re a new tutor wondering how you should be conducting your lessons, or if you’ve been a tutor for quite some time and are...

Top 9 EdTech Tools to Enrich your Teaching Process

09 April 2022

Educational Technology (EdTech) is rapidly growing globally. With Singapore being academically driven, the country has provided a high-yielding ground for its growth. If you work...

3 Simple Rules You Must Follow to Keep Your Tutoring Schedule Organised

05 April 2022

As a tutor, your income highly depends on the tuition rates that you charge and the classes that you take up. This means that your...

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