SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Effective tutoring

10 Best Options for JC H2 Math Tuition to Help You Score ‘A’ for A-Level

05 July 2021

Many junior college students find that H2 Math is much more challenging than the A-math they’ve been used to. The sudden spike in difficulty will...

Best Way of Tutoring Safely During P2HA

30 June 2021

It’s no secret that coronavirus outbreak significantly affected how we offer tuition services. To date, Singapore has recorded 62,470 Coronavirus cases, and the effects are...

How To Prevent Students From Cheating During Remote Learning

29 June 2021

As the pandemic is ongoing, home-based learning has become a challenge both for teachers and students. One of the issues that teachers might face is...

How to Make Your Math Classes More Fun and Interactive

26 June 2021

Let's face it; most students don't like math. To them, math is complicated and are tortuous. So if you’re wondering how you can make your...

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