Effective tutoring
Not everyone is born a teacher, however, how well you tutor depends on how much effort you take to incorporate teaching strategies for effective learning and tutoring. A home tutor plays a big part in a success of their students and should take steps to improve their teaching techniques over time.
Different subjects such as humanities, sciences or languages require different skills, and our articles outline how tutors can approach tutoring, and how they can be a successful private tutor in Singapore, build their career and get more tutoring assignments.
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(Pexels - RODNAE Productions) As tutors, it can be tough to manage parental expectations, especially during exam periods. To ensure smooth and effective tutoring for...
How to Make Lessons Fun for Teenagers
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[Pexels, Pixabay] Having lessons day in, day out can make things boring for students. To keep them engaged in their learning, it’s important to make...
The Importance of Teaching Mother Tongue
28 February 2023
[iStock] What is a Mother Tongue Language (MTL)? An MTL is typically the language you first encountered at birth, are best at, and use the...
Heavy Reliance on Tuition: Why Is It Bad?
18 February 2023
[123RF] In Singapore, tuition is seen as a ‘necessity’ for students to do well. This has led to many parents sending their children to tuition...
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