SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Effective learning

The Art of Balancing Academics and Social Life: How to Keep Up as a Student

06 January 2024

Richard is the class’ most popular kid. He has many friends, he’s good at weaving into conversations, able to meet up with everyone, yet still...

Parenting Hacks: 5 Fun and Effective Ways to Reward Your Child

02 January 2024

[Pexels] As parents, we all want our children to know that their hard work and accomplishments are valued and appreciated. We want them to play...

History Vs Social Studies – Which Subject to Choose?

29 December 2023

(Pexels - Pixabay) When choosing electives during secondary school, your students get to choose their humanities: Geography, Literature, and History, but Social Studies is compulsory...

Master Your Public Speaking Skills: Communicate like a TEDTalk Presenter!

21 December 2023

Due for a class presentation soon, and want to ace it like one of those TEDTalk speakers you’ve seen online? Maybe you’re an introvert, thinking...

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