SmileTutor Blog Students Advice For Students

Planning Your Group Project: Dos and Don’ts

12 December 2022

[123RF] In polytechnic and university, students are expected to take part in many group projects. This is especially so in their final year when they...

How to Retake O Levels as A Private Candidate

26 November 2022

[iStock] O levels in Singapore is one of the major milestones students must overcome to advance to higher education. But sometimes, students don’t get a...

6 Reasons Why Students Should Tutor Part-Time

14 November 2022

[Freepik] Looking for a part-time job? You might have considered working as a barista in Starbucks or as a sales assistant in Uniqlo. After all,...

5 Tips to Guarantee Your Placement in EAE

10 November 2022

[Unsplash] What is the Poly Early Admissions Exercise (EAE)? It is an aptitude-based admissions exercise that allows students to apply for and receive admission offers...

Your Ultimate Guide to Acing Final Year Project

17 October 2022

[EasyUni] Final Year Project (FYP), also known as Major Project. As students, FYP is our last chance to raise our Grade Point Average (GPA), and...

How to Pick a Poly Course

13 October 2022

[iStock] In Singapore, more and more secondary school students are entering poly. In fact, statistics show that now, more than half (52 percent) of our...